Singing Guide: Florida Boys

Singing Guide: Florida Boys

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Florida Boys were known for their four-part southern gospel harmony with a classic sound. What makes them unique stylistically is their perfect blend through their tenor, lead, baritone, and bass members. They also produced their own songs and contributed to the creation of their arrangements.

To learn how to sing like The Florida Boys, you should start by improving your pitch accuracy and range by using singing tools like the Vocal Range Test and the Pitch Accuracy Test from Singing Carrots.

The Florida Boys are famous for their gospel songs like "When He Was On The Cross (I Was On His Mind)," "Standing on the Solid Rock," and "Lead Me to the Rock." To learn their songs, you can take advantage of our song search feature to find songs with similar ranges, genre preferences, and lyrics.

It's also important to understand how to control your breath and respiration while singing, as they can make a significant impact on your pitch accuracy. You can check out our breathing basics and breath support articles, as well as exercises such as Farinelli Breathing from our skill-related videos.

To achieve the perfect harmonies brushed with an enthusiastic southern sound like The Florida Boys, vocal registers such as mixed voice/blending voice/head voice are essential. Singing Carrots has a great selection of educational articles and videos to help you with this. For instance, study voice registers & vocal break article and check out our related chest voice and voice registers video tutorial.

Besides, articulating and open mouthed singing is important while emulating the Florida boys since they were known to shape vowels well. You can check out Singing Carrots' art of articulation article and article on open mouth and throat techniques. Moreover, exercises like Finger Bite can be helpful.

In addition, the group is renowned for performing with high energy and emotional control. You can acquire important tips and exercises to help you manage your emotions and control your breath before performances from our stage fright and performing articles and our Relaxing Breath video from the skill-related videos. Also, good posture can help you control your breath better while performing. Here is an instructional video on achieving good posture.

Finally, you must know your vocal type and how to train to develop your vocal strengths properly. Get insights and all you need to know about voice types and techniques related to them by checking our tutorial section and contemporary vocal techniques articles.

I hope this article at Singing Carrots will help you improve your singing quality and style inspired by The Florida Boys.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.